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Roger Caldwell

COMMENTARY: 2022 Will Be a Great Year for Blacks and People of Color in America

NNPA NEWSWIRE — When leadership reflects people of color, America is in a better place for opportunity and progressive ideas for Black people. Whether you’re looking forward to them, or dreading them, the midterm elections will take place in...

COMMENTARY: 2022 Will Be a Great Year for Blacks and People of Color in America

NNPA NEWSWIRE — When leadership reflects people of color, America is in a better place for opportunity and progressive ideas for Black people. Whether you’re looking forward to them, or dreading them, the midterm elections will take place in November 2022. There will be more Blacks and people of color running for office than ever before in the history of America, and there will be more millions in circulation, than ever before.

COMMENTARY: Accountability was Evident in Arbery’s Case but No Justice

NNPA NEWSWIRE — Many of these murders are modern day lynchings and the evidence is swept under the rug. Ahmaud Arbery’s death was a case where one such incident existed. In this case there were three White men: Travis McMichael, 35, son; Gregory McMichael, 65, father; and neighbor, William Bryan, 52. In this case according to the District Attorney, it was not necessary to create a crime scene, or do a criminal investigation, because the three men were innocent.

COMMENTARY: A New Vision of Safety Starts with Dialogue and Collaboration

NNPA NEWSWIRE — There are many advantages and disadvantages to gentrification, but many poor people will be displaced, and this is a reality of doing business now in America. This is taking place in all the major cities across the country, and the projects and partnerships will continue to grow and prosper. As more affluent people move back to the cities, property values increase, and occupancy rate increases.

COMMENTARY: Black Lives Matter and The Color of Your Skin

NNPA NEWSWIRE _ History in America has demonstrated that White citizens will make war, and justifying horrific atrocities against Black people, including lynching. Even after slavery was abolished, there was still lynching, and many today believe police brutality is still connected to the history of lynching. There were 3436 people lynched from 1889 to 1932, and the majority was Black people, according to publisher Ida Wells.

COMMENTARY: Black Men Must Talk About Drugs Ravishing Our Community

NNPA NEWSWIRE - It is no mistake that drugs are so prevalent in the Black community, that our children can direct a stranger were to purchase drugs. The most amazing thing about drugs in the Black community is that nothing is done, because everyone is scared, others don’t care, so it is accepted.

COMMENTARY: Blacks in Florida Lag Behind Every Community in Getting Vaccinated

NNPA NEWSWIRE - No one in Florida really knows who to trust and believe when it comes to information, about the vaccine numbers. Based on the census in 2020, the total statewide population is 21,477,737. According to the census as of April 28, 2021, 36% of Florida’s White population has been vaccinated; 24.4% of Florida’s Hispanic has been vaccinated, and 17.3% of Florida’s Black population has been vaccinated. The total people vaccinated statewide, as of April 28, 2021 is 8,684,024.

COMMENTARY: The Future of America is People of Color

NNPA NEWSWIRE — There is a diversity explosion taking place across the country, in the White House, in Congress, with women and with people of color. The new census reports confirm the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s growth.

COMMENTARY: Democracy Survived an Insurrection and America Now Needs Unity

NNPA NEWSWIRE — “Today we celebrate the triumph not of a candidate, but of a cause, the cause of democracy. The will of the people has been heard and the will of the people has been heeded,” said President Biden. What a beautiful day and a beautiful speech. America is at a crossroads and there is a tremendous amount of work to be done. But the new president is ready to do the work, and all around the country and the world people are smiling.

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Delicious Berry Dream Cake Recipe: Fresh Strawberries and Creamy Whipped Topping

Prepare and bake a white cake mix, pierce holes in the top, pour gelatin over it, refrigerate, and top with cream cheese, whipped topping, and fresh strawberries for a delicious dessert.