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HomeNewsPlainfield construction move to next phase as residents are ready for it...

Plainfield construction move to next phase as residents are ready for it to end

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A construction project in downtown Plainfield that has led to many road closures and detours is entering its next phase.

The Plainfield Village Board Monday approved awarding the Old Town Phase II utility improvements contract to P.T. Ferro Construction Company in an amount not to exceed $5.47 million.  The company was the lowest of four bidders.

The expenditures will be used toward construction of Old Town utility improvements consisting primarily of water main and storm sewer installation on Lockport Street and Eastern Avenue.

“The project consists of the replacement of approximately 5,500 lineal feet of water main, lead water service replacements, fire hydrants, valves and line stops,” said lead engineer Arlan Schattke. “The proposed construction also includes construction or removal and replacement of seven sanitary sewer manholes and inlets.”

Schattke said the work is similar in scope to the utility improvements completed in the Old Town area in 2022 and 2023.

The engineer’s estimate for the project was $4.7 million. The village plans to subsidize the project with a $3,625,000 grant from American Rescue Plan Act. Funding for the remaining construction cost is included in this year’s budget, Schattke noted.

Jordan Poole, who lives near the project, said road closures, detours and constant construction has been disruptive to him and his family.

“People have to realize we have not been able to open our windows because it is so dusty,” he said. “Our air conditioning is constantly on, and it is hard for families with children because our kids cannot play outside because the road is torn up and there is construction equipment everywhere.”

But Poole said once the project is complete, he expects life to return to normal.

“The only bad thing is this project is so long that it is hard to see the bigger picture today,” he said.

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